Thursday, April 18, 2013

Defeated Gun Bill

I'm not really surprised that the gun bill in the senate was defeated. American politicians are incredible cowards and that's nothing new. What really amazes me is how one group, the NRA, is able to hold the United States government hostage. Elected officials are representatives of the people who voted them into office. Their sole job is to do what is right for their constituents. The fact that the senate could not pass this bill which has been supported by the majority of the populace shows that American politicians can be easily bought. That is really the only conclusion one can come to. You cannot vote a certain way because you're afraid of losing your job. Political office is not supposed to be viewed as a job but rather as a public service. I'm absolutely disappointed but not surprised.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Terror in Boston

There is no clear reason why what happened in Boston yesterday occurred. I'm not convinced anyone will ever be held accountable for what happened, but Boston will live on. It is one of the most durable cities in the United States. The East Coast in general has had to deal with a lot of tragedy, but like the winter this side of the States, we continue to come along with strength and determination.