Monday, June 3, 2013

Michele Bachmann's Exit

In the world of American politics, very few people decide not to run for reelection. In fact it seems as if people in congress are constantly looking forward to the next election rather than work on what they were sent to Washington to do. Michele Bachmann is an anomaly any way that you look at it. She is extremely popular among right wing politicians for some of the things that she has said and done in office, while the rest of the country understands that Michele Bachmann is essentially a dumbass. She represents the modern day Republican Party which thinks that working for the people is not quite as important as working for corporations, and not as important as making up things to accuse their opponents of.

Michele Bachmann is making her exit. This simple sentence is of the most important events in the history of American politics. It might seem outrageous to tout her exit as this monumental even, but bar the hyperbole, Michele Bachmann's exit means that their is a slight reduction in the brain drain that is the United States congress. Bachmann's exit means that their is now space for some level minded person to come through and work for the people. Yet her exit is not all good for all people. Bachmann's exit leaves a void for craziness. Someone else with crazy ideas will come through and perform just like her.


The hope, for any level headed human being is that with Bachmann moving on, Republicans will finally realize that getting the crazies out of their party is sound business. No doubt she will reappear soon as a Fox News contributor. I mean what else is a has-been Republican congressman supposed to do? For her sake and for her family's sake I hope Bachmann gets away from the limelight and goes on to live a quiet fulfilled life and not tread the path taken by the likes of Sarah Palin and countless other Republican losers.

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