Thursday, January 8, 2009

Why are people against giving?

I never thought I’d see the day when people would turn against giving for a good cause. It’s one thing to decide not to give your money to homeless people, but when it comes to children, it should be a different case.

I was helping out a friend by canvassing for Save The Children, and I realized that most Americans hate the idea of giving. A lot of people slammed their doors in our faces and a few shouted at us to get off their property. And it seems like the people with the biggest houses are the ones most against giving.

I mean these people with their mansions just have no compassion. People are out there regardless of weather trying to raise money to save children all over the world, but what they run into are insensitive morons who just can’t imagine anyone in this world being poor. I certainly hope that 2009 turns out to be a better year for giving. It feels good to give, even if you feel that you don’t have enough yourself. As some would say, when you give, you get back in return.

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