Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Not American? Give me a break

What is wrong with people? Have we all forgotten that America is a land full of immigrants. It grew because of immigrants, and it thrives today because of immigrants. Most people have lineages that lead back to Europe, Africa, Asia, and pretty much everywhere in the world aside from Indian Americans. So why is it that a guy who came to the states as a 12 year old and who learned long distance running in the United States, and American in every sense of the world, is all of a sudden not American enough? Please don't tell me it's because the guy isn't white. Because I would hope we can leave that sort of crap out of sports. People are always trying to perform a complete revision of Americanism, but don't realize that at some point they are going to be attacking their own lineages. He is American, and has never claimed otherwise. He may have originated from elsewhere, but the wonderful thing about America is that as long as you are willing to give your all and succeed, you're more than welcome.

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