Saturday, December 27, 2008

Top Five New Years Resolutions For Those Turning Twenty-Four in 2009

Come to terms with the fact that you are getting old
Twenty-four is just a year away from twenty-five so you need to come to the realization that you are getting old and things aren’t going to be as fun as they used to be. From this point on more things will be expected of you. People will stop addressing you as “the kid” and your mistakes will be harshly judged because you are the cusp of true maturity.

Get your finances together
At twenty-four, you should really start getting your finances together. You should calculate your debts and really make the effort to start paying them off. You don’t want to reach the latter part of your twenties still worrying about the bills you have to pay and that school loan that’s still sitting in the back of your mind. Get with a debt counselor and make some changes right now.

Get in shape
In your early twenties you could eat all you want and not care about what it did to your body, but now you have to really care about the things you put in your mouth. You need to get your body in shape. This would be a good time to get into the habit of working out regularly so that when you reach your thirties, you are better prepared to deal with your body’s changes.

Clean your apartment or move out of mom’s basement
If you are still living with your mother, perhaps now is a good time to move out. Move in with your girlfriend or a really good friend. And if you have a good job and make decent money, move into your own place. If you already have your own place, then clean it up and make it look presentable. You are no longer a kid. Now you need a true bachelor or bachelorette pad so that people know you are serious about moving up in your life.

Stop Procrastinating
Procrastination is the reason why you never got anything done before, so now is the time to change that. At twenty-four you should be on the path towards your future. You need to start making moves and drive yourself to get things done before it’s too late.

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