Tuesday, April 27, 2010

We infidels and our music

I've been working it out in my head over and over about the news story that came out a few days ago about Muslim extremists who think that all music is evil. I can't help but think these people are smoking the same shut they're trying to sell people. It is ridiculous how people use misunderstood religion as a weapon against the average person.

If music is evil then music lovers like myself are going to rot in hell and I'm perfectly okay with that. These people should be abolished and if they try to attack musicians they better know that sanctions are not the only things they have to worry about.

Friday, April 23, 2010

The big business of being green.

This week was earth day and people as usual were singing the songs of our planet and talking about sustainable living and all that other crap, but I cannot help being a skeptic. As much as I want to save the earth from it's death, I can't buy into the whole green movement because I feel that it has been tremendously corrupted by big business. Every where you turn you see an ad by some company claiming to be the green answer to your problems. And the media has been quick to jump at the chance of pushing and praising these products and the companies behind them. But what I want to know is whether anyone has taken the opportunity to test these products and see if they really are better for the environment. Until someone has done extensive research and followed how these companies make their products, I will err on the side of caution and not buy into the whole GREEN propaganda.
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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Micro management and contradictions

Every manager has his and her own way of managing the people they supervise and those on their team, but those that micro manage seem to forget that the people working under them are in their position because they are equipped for it. If you don't think someone qualifies for a position then it is your job to make sure you hire someone who is capable of doing the job.

Micro managers also have this ridiculous ability to contradict themselves. If you tell one of your workers something but then turn around and say something opposite, then you shouldn't be surprised if your workers undermine you. Everyone makes a mistake, which is natural and expected, but you should be able to recognize your mistake and not put all the pressure on your workers. You should make sure people know that you understand their job and that you're there to help them succeed In their position and not add to their frustration.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

People's discomfort with the disabled

A lot of people are uncomfortable around disabled people, unless there is someone in their immediate family with a disability. I can understand the discomfort on some level. You never quite know how to talk to them or approach them. If you work with them your first instinct is to do everything for them when in fact a lot of them can do things on their own.

My issue with people's attitude towards the disabled, is with those people that are purely ignorant. Whenever people hear that a residence or facility for the developmentally challenged is about to open in their neighborhood or nearby, they lose it. They start petitioning to have the agency blocked from opening the house. People seem to forget that these people are not their disability. They not defined by what ails them. Just as you and I are not defined by our respective jobs.

People worry about their children's safety, which is fine an understandable, but you can't expect it to be okay for you to impede on other people's rights just because you paid $500,000 for your house in a nice neighborhood and don't want anyone else there. The developmentally disabled have the same rights that everyone else has and people should just grow up and get over it.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Mother returns adopted child to Russia.

Just yesterday I was talking to a friend about how people have no idea what having children is all about. And then I stumbled on a news that a mother returned her adopted son to Russia on a plane by himself. I can't say how enraged that makes me. Children don't ask to be put in the situations that they're put in, and when you make the decision to adopt a kid from another country, you have made the choice to take care of that kid. It's your responsibility to make sure that child is safe and look after his mental well being. That womb should have done her homework. She should have found out information on where he came from and what his life was like. She should have paid for him to see a shrink instead of branding him a psychopath. That was her responsibility. She opted to adopt him so she has no right to think she can just give up on him. It's just like that woman who adopted a black baby but then decided to return him because she didn't feel as connected to him as she did her other children. These women need to stop playing with people's lives and realize that they are screwing up these children's lives. If you don't think you can handle adoption, then don't adopt. But if you make the decision to go ahead with it, then you should be there for the full ride.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Why do people freak out when their boss is around?

People tend to freak out whenever their boss is around, which I find quite astounding. When you're at work you should be doing what's expected of you. Your boss is not some big scary animal that you hve to fear. Every single person has a job description and if you're doing what you were hired to do, there's no reason why you have to scurry around like a headless chicken just because the guy or girl who signs your check is in the vicinity.
A coworker of mine who is a manager in her division seems to always be running around like her life is at stake. It's really down to the fact that she's not very good at her job, but you shouldn't accept a position if you're not equipped to handle it.
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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Reality TV is killing other shows

We can all pretty much agree that Reality TV sucks. Every week there is a new show that is supposedly based in reality that hits the tube. From a financial stance reality TV is a great endeavor because there is an audience out there that loves to watch stupid people acting stupid. It also does not take a lot of effort. For most shows you have to go through the process of developing an idea and essentially be creative. With reality shows you don't have to worry about creativity. You don't have to worry about hiring writers or actors.
On the surface, it seems like a great deal but real shows that deserve to stay on don't get the chance. Shows like Chuck, Arrested Development and other creative shows don't get the chance because they don't get the length of time to build an audience.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Having children

If you talk with young people you're going to find that a lot of them are eager to grow up and some are eager to have children. But having children is not as easy as one would imagine. It was not wash when our parents had us and it is not easy today.
With the economy the way it has been for the past decade, you would have to save at least $90,000 dollars before you consider having children. Raising children is very expensive. And I know there are people out there who raise their children with very little money, but you have to think about the children for a second. Children never ask to be born, and once you've made the decision to have them you have to be prepared to take care of them. You have to give them the best of everything.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Friday, April 2, 2010

Apologies? I think not.

People always want you to be apologetic about everything, and I must admit there is the rare occasion when you find yourself in a position where you have to offer an apology for a wrong doing. But there are also some moments where you should stand up for your ideals and refuse to apologize.

One such moment occurred when I forgot to pick up an item for myself which was quite important. My partner thought that I needed to apologize to her because she had taken upon herself to make plans for the item and my not bringing it was a derailment of her plans.   I can understand if I did something wrong to hurt her feelings, but I refuse to accept that I need to apologize for failing to get the item when she expected it. It wasn't something she needed, it was something I required.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Simple but better

I have begun to notice that people who subscribe to a philosophy of simplicity tend to be much happier than those of us who surround ourselves with complicated things, people, and ideas.

If you take kids with autism for instance. They tend to be focused on one thing, and that solitary activity brings them more joy then the rest of us can imagine. Whether it be doing laundry or watching Thomas the tank engine, it's the fact that they are not easily derailed from there goal that proves them to be awe inspiring.

There is really no telling how the mind works at all times, but should we all be lucky to find simplicity in our lives, we just might be happier. Now I'm not naïve enough to assume the world would be a better place, but on days like this when the sun is out with its glorious rays, hugging onto the skin like a loving mother, perhaps a simple stroll down the street is all it takes.