Thursday, May 23, 2013

Cruz for President

Good old hypocrisy seems to be well and fine in American politics.  One thing that clearly highlights it is the fact that some people think Senator Ted Cruz is a presidential hopeful.  Forget the argument that his politics don't appeal to the general American citizen.  Forget the fact that he was once close to the George W. Bush presidency.  Ted Cruz was born in Canada to a Cuban father and an American Mother.  I find it appalling that people can entertain the idea of a Canadian becoming president of the United States, yet Republican nut jobs have spent a great deal of time since 2008 questioning the legitimacy of President Obama's tenure.  Obama was born in Hawaii, and even that was not enough for the Republicans.  Yet they're okay with a Canadian running for president?  Where is the outrage at suggestion that this overzealous junior Senator from Texas is even thinking about the idea?  Where is Donald Trump and the like?  Why are they so silent about this?  or does it only matter when the Democratic black guy is running?

American race relations have always been terrible, but it is increasingly clear that in this new age we're entering, some people have a real problem with people generally considered part of the minority being in power.  I have nothing personally against Ted Cruz, though I disagree with pretty much everything he stands for politically, but this absurd level of hypocrisy is beyond absurd.

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