Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I live in New York, and there seems to be this infectious disease called the hipster movement. And it is starting to get on my nerves. It's not that I envy these skinny jean wearing morons, but it is the fact that sometimes their attitudes crawl under ones skin beyond what can be seen as uber cool or rebellious. I was waiting for a train recently when two hipsters came onto the scene carrying on loud conversations and over doing the whole I'm on the edge of being an outcast thing. Then they went as far as hitting each other and pulling out a gamut of swear words with little thought of the other people around them. LOOK, it is not cool to try to be cool, got it? you've either got it or you don't. If you have to change the clothes you wear to appear cool, then you're not cool. If you join a movement because it is the current fad, you're not cool. These hipsters are popping up faster than STDs. I wonder if some of these young people are simply following a trend, or worse, scared of being themselves.

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