Monday, November 3, 2008

Ibiza, Crapbiza

I was in DC visiting friends this weekend. We were supposed to go to the club called Ibiza on Saturday night. I was excited to meet up with my friends and have fun, but then we ran into a wall. We were supposed to go through the VIP line, but the promoter who added my friend’s name to the list, forgot to mention to her co-workers that the party was going to be bigger than one person. So we arrived and were told that only two people could go inside, and the rest of us would have to pay anywhere from 35 to 40 dollars to get into Ibiza. I don’t know if you’ve ever been to Ibiza, but it is not worth 35 bucks to tell you the truth. The part that gets me is that I have no idea where these people received their business degrees. What businessman would let eight customers that are willing to pay for highly over priced drinks go just because they are not willing to pay the steep price at the door? We went elsewhere and spent all our money, and had a hell of a good time. So shame on you, Crapbiza.


  1. Ibiza sucks, but the chicks are fine as hell.

  2. Ibiza is alright. It's really a place for kids though. If you're over 21 you shouldn't really be hanging out over there. There are a bunch of kids running around in there. The music is decent sometimes, but it all depends on which room they put the music in. They could have better hip hop DJs.
