Sunday, November 16, 2008

Books: a touch of class

As a writer it can be easily assumed that you like to read. But I know of some writers who are not avid readers. Some even cringe at the thought of picking up something to read. I on the other hand cannot stop reading. I read everything under the sun, well except for newspapers. I have grown to dislike the feel of newspapers on my fingers. There's an alien feeling that I get deep in my bones when I touch a newspaper, but that feeling is nothing compared to the euphoria I experience when I'm in a bookstore.

Earlier today, while I was in Manhattan bidding farewell to a visitor of ours, I decided to go for a stroll into the local Borders by Madison Square Garden. When my guess was gone, I walked through the doors of the bookstore and to the second level. There was a sudden rush in my blood when I picked a book up in the reference aisle and read slowly. As a published author of a novel, Fields of Discovery, I've always dreamed to see one of my books on the shelves at Borders. And while that dream has yet to manifest, I was reminded of my love of books, and my fear of the disappearance of the tactile ability to touch the pages.

You have no doubt seen the ads for the electronics that one can use to read books these days. I see them everywhere I go. I have even seen people with the said electronics, reading. I've always wondered if they missed the touch of the pages. I cannot fathom the day when I will stop reading books, but I have come to reason that the day will come when I shall have to adapt so not to be left behind in technology's wake.

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