Thursday, November 13, 2008

Oh Fu*k Off

So this Rev. Jay Scott Newman thinks that Catholics who voted for Barack Obama are putting their souls at risk. Is this guy freaking serious? I’m a catholic, and have been since birth. And I am pro choice. It really gets under my skin that the Catholic Church think that their way is the best way. People have their personal reasons for wanting an abortion and morons like Rev. Newman should not be in a position to tell people what they should do or that their souls are at risk because they chose a politician who happens to think a woman should make up her own mind. Is the Catholic Church trying to tell us that women should shut their mouths and accept what their husbands and their fathers want of them? This is ridiculous. If a woman does not want to have a child or does not feel ready to have a child, then it is her prerogative. You can’t tell a woman or a young girl who has been raped that she has to keep the child because it’s against God’s law to kill a fetus? What a load of crap. The Catholic Church has a lot of in-house cleaning to do before it can pass judgment. As a Roman Catholic, I can honestly say that I’m thoroughly disappointed in the Catholic Church and its attitude. And further more I am disappointed in whoever let this asshole Reverend Newman keep his position. If the church thinks it knows what’s best for women, then it has made a serious mistake in self evaluation. Abortion is not a pretty sight, it’s not something I would ever advice someone to take part in, but I cannot fathom the day when I will make that decision for a woman. The church should know it’s place and serve its people as it is supposed to do. Leave the moral decisions to the parishioners. I don’t go to a priest to help me decide whether I should have a child or not, and I don’t think priests have the F—ing authority to berate people for choosing a candidate who happens to think that the freedom of choice is more important than the opinion of the Catholic Church.

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